You have questions. We have answers.



  • Register online, unless specified in the program description. Register for the grade your child will be entering in fall 2025. Payment must be made in full to hold the spot. After registration is complete, a confirmation is emailed.

  • Yes. Create one family account on the summer program registration site, then add each child to the main account. Complete registration for each child separately.

  • You may pay online by credit card (VISA/Mastercard/AMEX/Discover).

  • Registration for June camps closes at noon on May 1 and for July camps, it closes at noon on June 1. This allows our staff and instructors to prepare for their session. Classes are subject to change.

  • Financial assistance is available only for families enrolled full-time at La Jolla Country Day School in fall 2025. It applies to all programs except Camp Torreys (Kindergarten and Grades 1–4) and all sports camps. Families must complete the online registration and select the financial assistance option for payment. For questions about financial assistance, please contact Kelly White at

  • No. The child must be registered for an entire session of a given camp.

  • Refund Policy
    Any cancellations made by La Jolla Country Day School before a session starts will be fully refunded. If a session has started, a prorated refund will be provided based on the number of days remaining in the session.

    There are no refunds for cancellations made by families less than one week before the start of a session. If a family cancels their registration more than a week before the session has started, a refund will be given minus the $100 cancelation fee.

    Change Policy
    A $25 fee will be applied (per request) for any changes made by families before a class or camp session starts.

    Cancelation Policy
    A $100 fee will be applied for any cancellations made by families before a class or camp session starts.

    Camp tuition and services may not be prorated or refunded for absences or sicknesses. Payments lost due to withdrawal from a program cannot be forwarded to the next year’s programs or a sibling’s account. Pending availability, families may request to switch camps (paying the price difference if applicable).

    Please email to request a refund, change a class, or cancel.

  • Families will be notified 7–10 days prior to the start of a session. Students may choose another course if one is available. If a suitable option cannot be found, a 100% refund will be provided.

  • If a student fails to attend, withdraws, or experiences incomplete attendance for any reason, no refunds or prorated adjustments will be made. This applies to all summer programs.

  • Yes, Grades 1–12 summer programs (including sports) are open to the public. The age 3–kindergarten programs are only for students enrolled in LJCDS in the fall.

  • Yes. When enrolling an international student, they should be proficient in English (spoken language, and for some classes, reading and writing) in order to fully benefit from the class. Students may be advised to withdraw or switch classes if they do not meet proficiency standards. All registered students must provide the camp with a local phone number.

First Day, Lunch and More

  • Early Childhood Center (Tiny Torreys and Jr. Kindergarten)
    Tiny Torreys and Jr. Kindergarten students should go to the ECC/kindergarten parking lot located off Eastgate Mall Road, closest to Genesee Ave. Please park and escort students to the ECC courtyard. Parents/guardians are required to sign their children in and out with an ECC staff member.

    Kindergarten students should go to the ECC/kindergarten parking lot located off Eastgate Mall Road, closest to Genesee Ave. Summer at Country Day staff will be in the parking lot to escort each camper to their classroom.

    Grades 1–12 Academic and Enrichment
    Drop-off and pickup take place in the Genesee Ave. parking lot located at 9490 Genesee Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037. Check-in is located in front of Lower School.

    Sport Camps (Grades 1–12)
    Drop-off and pickup take place in the Genesee Ave. parking lot located at 9490 Genesee Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037. Camp counselors will escort students to their sports camp location.

    Tennis Camp (Grades 1–12)
    Drop-off and pickup take place in the Genesee Avenue parking lot located at 9490 Genesee Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037. Check-in is by the tennis courts.

  • Yes. Extended Day is open to kindergarten–Grade 4 students registered for afternoon or full-day summer programs and includes crafts, games, and playtime. The cost is $17/hour, and drop-ins are allowed. Families using this service are billed at the end of each month.

    Grades 5–6 must check in with the Extended Day staff for free childcare if they stay on campus after 3 p.m.

    Extended Day is offered:
    Monday–Thursday from 3–4:30 p.m.
    Friday from 3–4 p.m.

    2025 CAMP DATES 
    June 16–20 (Closed on June 19) 
    June 23–27 
    (LJCDS is closed June 30–July 4) 
    July 7–11
    July 14–18 
    July 21–25 
    July 28–August 1

    There is no Extended Day on Friday, Aug. 1.

    Extended Day pickup takes place on the Lower School playground using the parking lot located at 9490 Genesee Avenue, La Jolla, CA 92037.

  • Yes, LJCDS is closed on Thursday, June 19, in observance of the federal holiday Juneteenth and the week of June 30–July 4. Program fees are pro-rated to reflect the shortened week.

  • Snacks

    Snacks are not provided for K–Grade 12. Please send well-balanced, nutritious snacks to help fuel your camper for each day’s activities. There is no option to purchase snacks on campus. Please do not pack snacks with peanuts or tree nuts. Be sure to mark names on all containers.

    Snacks are provided for Tiny Torreys and Jr. Kindergarteners participating in the Summer of Wonder sessions.


    K–Grade 12: Lunch is provided by SAGE Dining Services® for K–Grade 12 students who are enrolled in both a morning and an afternoon session at no additional charge. Gluten-free options are available. Dietary restrictions will be honored. Students may bring their own non-perishable lunches (no nuts, please).

  • After their morning session, students will be supervised by trained employees during the lunch and recess break before being guided to their afternoon session.

    Kindergarten students remain with the educators in the kindergarten area.

    Grades 1–4 students will eat lunch in the pavilion and have supervised recess on the Lower School playground.

    Grades 5–8 students will eat lunch in the pavilion and have supervised recess in the Middle School quad.

    Grades 9–12 students will eat lunch in the pavilion.

  • Yes. Please email with the name and phone number of the babysitter or friend.

  • Bus transportation from a residence is not available for the summer programs. Transportation from LJCDS is offered to and from field trips or where stated in the program description.

  • Yes. Families are welcome to schedule a visit before the start of the summer program. Schedule an appointment by contacting our summer programs office at 858-453-3440 x112 or

  • Yes. Pack a swimsuit, towel, and sunscreen for water fun on Fridays (June 27, July 11, July 18, July 25, and Aug. 1).

  • Yes. Campers attending the following sessions receive a camp T-shirt:

    • Summer of Wonder (Tiny Torreys and Jr. Kindergarteners)

    • Ready, Set, Go, Kindergarten

    • Camp Torreys (Kindergarten and Grades 1–4): Students are required to wear their Summer at Country Day T-shirts on field trips.

    • Apex School of Movement

    • Positive Adventures

  • We ask that all devices be put away during camp (unless an educator instructs students to use them).

    If your camper has a phone or personal device they are bringing to camp (with your permission and understanding that Summer at Country Day is not responsible for this device), we ask that it be kept in a safe and non-disruptive place. If your camper uses the device without permission, it will be held in the summer programs office until pickup.

  • All students registered for the summer program must adhere to La Jolla Country Day School’s behavior expectations.

Health and Safety

  • Yes. LJCDS follows California law (SB 277) and requires proof of immunizations for all children attending summer camp. For non-LJCDS and newly accepted families, in the summer programs registration portal, upload your child’s yellow California immunization card or official record with their doctor’s signature and dates of immunizations. Your child will not be allowed to attend camp if we have not received proof of their immunizations.

  • Yes. All campers taking prescription medications during Summer at Country Day will need to have a Prescription Medication Administration Release Form filled out in its entirety and signed by a parent/guardian and physician before the start of classes. No medication will be allowed or given at school until this form is submitted, even if the medication was given at school the previous year. Academic school year medications will not transfer over.

    Lower and Middle School students who need to take medication at school must have a parent/guardian deliver the medication to the school nurse in the original bottle together with the signed release form on the first day. Upper School students are permitted to deliver the medication and signed form to the nurse themselves.

    Students may be permitted to carry their own medications for diabetes (all grades), asthma or an allergy requiring an EpiPen (Grades 5–12). In these instances, the Authorization for Students to Carry a Prescription Inhaler, Epinephrine Auto-Injector, Insulin, Diabetic Supplies or Other Approved Medications Form must be completed and signed by the physician and a parent and submitted to the school nurse. Students must be instructed in the proper use of the medication and fully understand how to administer it.

    Contact School Nurse Jessica Hernandez MSN, APRN, FNP-C at or 858-453-3440 x137 with any questions.

  • Parents/guardians are required to bring the medication and instructions to the nurse on the first day of the session. Bring any and all medications in the original container. Please do not send medication in your child’s bag.

  • Please complete the allergy action form. If your child’s allergies are airborne or otherwise severe, we can provide a separate lunch table.

  • LJCDS has a registered nurse (RN) and/or an athletic trainer (ATC) on campus from 8 a.m.–4 p.m. In addition, our counselors are trained in CPR and first aid. Counselors in camp programs that travel off-campus for field trips are prepared to assist in EpiPen and medication administration. In the event of a medical emergency, LJCDS medical staff (either ATC or RN) will evaluate and provide emergency medical management, including activation of EMS, as necessary.

    LJCDS will call parents/guardians or emergency contacts using the phone numbers on file as soon as possible. All families must provide the camp with a local phone number in the event of an emergency.